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Joined: 20 Jan 2012
I have three new maps for players out there. I honestly believe they are of good quality

Europe: 2-3 players max, small map (temperate). Close to enemies base, plenty of tiberium.

Oasis: medium desert map 4 players max, very open map, especially on the right hand side.

Desert Hell: My least favourite map, small desert, 4 players max, divided in half down the middle, similiar on both sides, with ocean/lake located in middle and south.

I hope you have a good time playing them
desert hell.dpr47.86 KB
europe.dpr57.21 KB
oasis.dpr64.09 KB
Rampastring's picture
Joined: 25 Nov 2009
They look like they could be fun for 2v2v2v2's, however they all seem to be rather similar when looking at how they'd play. In addition the detailing is very far away from our standards; the amount of detail is pretty much nonexistant and only the cliffs and tiberium fields are giving some variety to the clear ground.

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--The AI Coder, creator of the Launcher, creator of The Toxic Diversion and a multiplayer mapper of DTA.


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