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Aple's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2009
Here is two maps i made.

First map is called Themed Agression(2)

The second map is named Act of Flora(2-4)

These maps dont have any ol' fancy minimap but there good maps none the rest!

I will post more maps here for download for i usually have alot of free time...

Also! feel free to post your maps here!
Two Single Maps.zip69.82 KB

Making your head explode since 1996.

Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
Your maps almost entirely exist out of open space with minimal detail... Or in other words, your maps don't look like convincing landscapes.
Just compare your maps with any of the maps you can see on the media page and you should know what I'm talking about.

Aple's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2009
ya i know there not detailed but i tried to make them as balanced as possible with alot of resources which makes for tons of strategy's and easy recovery... in other words these are maps that you could be playing on for hours.

and another thing i have always hated maps made for mods that are like that there is no space at all to build it makes it hard to tech up and everything but on my maps you will find these open spaces to build a base and maybe even build bases randomly around the map which leads to so many more strategy's this is some of the things you will find in my maps as well with a lot of resources to keep pumping out units for several deca-minutes wondering... how the hell am i going to beat this guy? because there will be so many units coming at you, you'll be like, WHOA WHAT WAS THAT?! OMG! THERE GOES ANOTHER! and so on... yadda yadda yadda.

P.S. i went into further testing with my Themed Agression map and it crashes randomly when you scroll around the map it does this for me but try it your self and see if it crashes or not.

Making your head explode since 1996.


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