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Joined: 22 Aug 2012
(Sorry again for my bad english, i'm french)

Hi, In the scavenger maps there is some "problems" (I think) :
- The Nod can't build the aeroport (the GDI can build the weapons factory).
- In low level of technologie, the players can't build towers, the problem is not here, but the IA can build tower, it's difficult when you can attack just with infantry.
- IA can build SAM site, but not the players (And I don't see the SAM site attack my air strike).
- With the GDI, if you build all her building available, the energy turn off, so we don't have the map on the radar. (Remember : We can't build power plant in scavenger map).

I post a screen for the SAM site.
SAM.png276.37 KB
Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
I was aware that Scavenger maps still have some issues, although you mentioned more of them than I expected there to be. I'll certainly look into them before DTA 1.12's release.


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