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drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
Map Nr.5 Yaseca Island [2-3]
It is a small island with enough Tiberium for 3 player. Smile
Yaseca Island [2-3].zip46.95 KB
Rampastring's picture
Joined: 25 Nov 2009
This is clearly your best map yet. The detailing is extremely nice and it also looks interesting considering gameplay. Great job.

The only technical issues I see is that treegroups lack Impassable overlay under them (this prevents things like vehicles from moving through them) and that the viewable area's southern border is too low. You could also try to use lightposts to enhance the lighting of your maps, as well as edit the map's global lighting in Edit -> Lighting.

Also, the map has some balance issues; starting location 0's distance to its respective tibfield is significantly shorter than the distance starting locations 1 and 2 have to their respective tibfields. In addition, starting location 2's base is too close to starting location 1's tibfield (artillery units can easily harass player 1's harvesters from player 2's base).

But still, you've done quite well.

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--The AI Coder, creator of the Launcher, creator of The Toxic Diversion and a multiplayer mapper of DTA.

Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
I agree that detail-wise this map looks flawless, but unfortunately there are indeed a few issues concerning balance between 3 different starting positions.

In short: starting position #0 (far left) has the greatest advantage over the other 2 starting positions, while starting position #1 (bottom-right) has the greatest disadvantage.

drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
Here is my improved version of the map.
Yaseca Island.zip48.65 KB
Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
The distances to the tibeirum fields are better now, but the tiberium field that belongs to the south-east player (#1) is still within artillery range of the north player (#2). I think it would be better if you'd slightly resize the map's height and then move that tiberium island to the bottom-right corner of the map.

I also just noticed that the west player (#0) can directly send its units to the tiberium field that belongs to the north player (#2) to harass his harvesters by just destroying the oil pumps that block the path. it would be better to place some other obstructions that can't be destroyed in between.


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