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drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
This is my first self-made map by drive.
It takes 1 day to create this map:Renegade War [2 - 6] Player.
Warning this download broken!!!!!!!!! Sad
ts renegade.dpr245.74 KB
drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
Sorry for the broken download link i hope this download link work:
ts renegade war.zip117.58 KB
Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
This is very interesting for a first mapping attempt; the map certainly isn't lacking in the amount of detail, which isn't something that can be said for most people's first mapping attempts.

There are a few shortcomings however. Mainly, (1) the placement of the trees give a rather artificial impression, (2) using the tall grass LAT (Ground 3) to cover large surfaces (without leaving gaps in between) looks bad and (3) I'm noticing several tile errors (meaning roads, shores and cliffs where I can see obvious sharp lines because the tiles weren't connected properly to another tile, or they were partially overlapped by another tile).

Rampastring's picture
Joined: 25 Nov 2009
It indeed looks awesome for being your first map, just fix those issues pointed out by Bittah and it's got a good chance of getting included in DTA.

DTA for the #2 game at CnCNet! http://cncnet.org/statistics
The staff plays actively there aswell!
Show us your support by following us at ModDB! http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age/

--The AI Coder, creator of the Launcher, creator of The Toxic Diversion and a multiplayer mapper of DTA.

drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
Here is the improved version of the map.
Big smile
ts renegade new.zip116.42 KB
Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
Very nice improvements; only a few issues still remain.
  • I still see one single tile error: the vertical river tile doesn't properly connect to the FORD tile just on the right of the 3 A10s
  • The placement of the train tracks is problematic in some places. I don't know if you've actually viewed your map ingame, but the junction you tried to make near the bottom of the map doesn't look right and you're better off making it into a regular turn. The train tracks that stop on the bridges also don't look good, because you can see an unnatural sharp line where the tracks stop. You're best off avoiding gaps in between the tracks, although it does look interesting in the spot where you placed the A10 crash in between.
  • Your tiberium fields are a bit big and rather square-shaped. It looks more natural when you make the shapes of the tiberium fields more irregular and leave a lot of gaps in between the tiberium patches. Another thing to take in mind is that when you place tiberium from the sidebar, only a single kind of tiberium patch will be placed which is always in the final growth stage. If you place the tiberium from Overlay & Special menu at the bottom of the tree you can alternate between different tiberium images in order to make the fields look a bit less repetitive; this is a nice touch although it's not essential, considering it can be a pesky job and leaving a lot of gaps in your tiberium fields already helps a lot to making them look less repetitive.
  • It seems that you started with a 100x100 map size and never edited it afterward. Although it's alright to do this, it causes a problem which you seem to be unaware of: the blue and red rectangles overlap at the bottom of the map. As you probably know, the red rectangle is the actual map size, while the blue rectangle is the is the part of the map that'll actually be visible ingame. When these 2 rectangles overlap at the bottom of the map, it causes the bottom 3 cells of the map be cut off asif the blue rectangle is 3 cells smaller, meaning that none of the details you placed there will actually be visible ingame. In order to fix this you'll have to resize the map by going to the Edit menu at the top and then to Map. When the Map Properties window opens, click on the top Change button. Now change Height to 103, change the value after Top back to 0, click OK, click Yes in the warning dialog that appears and then click on the bottom Change button before closing the Map Properties window (you need to click on the bottom Change button in order to change the size of the blue rectangle back to what it was before you resized the map). Now save the map and everything you see in the blue rectangle will now also actually be visible ingame.

It's also useful to add a map-reveal trigger so that the map will instantly be revealed when you play it ingame; this'll make testing what the map looks and plays like a lot easier for you. The quickest way to add the map reveal trigger is by going to Map tools at the top, then to Tool Scripts, then select 'Add Reveal Map Trigger.fscript', click Run and click on Yes, Yes, OK and then close the Map Scripts window.
To remove the trigger again you'll have to go to the Trigger editor (Edit > Trigger editor), but I'll do this myself if the trigger is still there when I decide to add the map to the mod (it's still a good idea to remove it yourself before uploading it if you want others to play your map before I actually add it to the mod however).

drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
This is the final version of the map
and thank you for help bittah commander.

i hope that this map will be add to the game.
made by drive.
ts renegade war 1.3.zip124.05 KB
Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
Nice improvements; I like the added details and the tiberium fields also look much better now. I'm a bit worried about the available build space for the bottom-left player however and there's also 2 locations where the tracks overlap with cliffs, which looks kinda bad (in the bottom-left corner of the map and in the top left region of the map just under where the tracks go over one of the 2 bridges).

I also notice that the smudges you placed on the map before are now misplaced (they're 5 cells above where they're supposed to be), which must've happened when you resized the map. The reason why this happened is because you also added extra cells to the top of the map instead of only at the bottom and this messed up the index locations for the smudges.
To solve this issue quickly you'll have to resize the map again and do it exactly like this:
In the Map Properties window click on the top Change button, change Height to 105, change Top to -5 and click on OK. Now change the numbers under Visible area to 2,4,96,95 and click on the bottom Change button.
Now that you've resized the map, the smudges are no longer visible in the map editor, so you'll now first have to save the map and then load it again before you'll be able to see the result. I just tested it myself and it worked exactly as it should, so you should be fine if you did it exactly like how I explained it, but you still might wanna make a backup of your map before saving in case anything goes wrong.

It's also clear you didn't actually view your map ingame before uploading it, because you can clearly see sharp edges of where all tiles stop at the bottom of the map. The reason for this is also obvious in the map editor itself; the visible area of the map (the blue rectangle) is too big. So to solve this, you'll simply have to go back to the Map Properties window and change the last number under Visible area (this is the value for Height) from 95 to 94.

It also looks bad when the train tracks go right over one of those A10 crashes, considering the A10 crash visually isn't flat, while the train tracks are and it just looks wrong. I already mentioned that I thought the gap in the vertical tracks where you placed the A10 in between looked interesting, but for some reason you filled up that gap and placed tracks over the A10 crash that's still there and it now looks bad.
I don't think it would also look good to leave a gap where the tracks go over another A10 crash not far under there and I also think it looks bad where the tracks go over the FORD tile just a little farther, so it might be better to simply remove the tracks on the right of that junction you created (although the junction itself doesn't look bad anymore now that you obscured it by placing a tree group in front of it).

In any case this map is quite well done, so I'll definitely add it to the mod once these issues have been fixed Smile

drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
This is my improved map and i hope the smudge is not 5 cells above now. Smile
I have tested my map and the smudge was not above the 5 cells.
Could the download cause this problem?
ts renegade war.zip125.98 KB
Bittah Commander
Bittah Commander's picture
Joined: 21 Nov 2009
Nah, the download can't cause the problem, but it's good now.

I looked at the map and I think there are nomore problems, so look forward to seeing it in DTA's next update Laughing out loud (although that update might still take a few months, since it's a big one)

drive's picture
Joined: 18 Jan 2013
Thank you . Laughing out loud
Rampastring's picture
Joined: 25 Nov 2009

DTA for the #2 game at CnCNet! http://cncnet.org/statistics
The staff plays actively there aswell!
Show us your support by following us at ModDB! http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age/

--The AI Coder, creator of the Launcher, creator of The Toxic Diversion and a multiplayer mapper of DTA.


Website built by Bittah Commander,
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