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Sun, 2011-12-18 12:21
Some things I noticed while playing it:
- I saw some weird scrambling in the campaign selection menu at a point, but it seems to have fixed itself.
- Sometimes units don't seem exit from the Nod airfield.
- The commander in the first mission has no sounds, so it feels a bit awkward controlling him.
The EVA sound for repairing sounds edited. Wasn't there already an unused sound for repairing in Tiberium Dawn?- Will there be some sort of a Nod campaign in the future?
- When you end a skirmish/multiplayer game, why does the EVA only say "Terminated"?
Sun, 2011-12-18 12:39
- Yeah, that happens sometimes and seems to be caused by the size of the dialog. I might make the dialog a bit smaller in order to prevent it from happening (although that means there'll be less space for the campaigns list, meaning you'll have to scroll when more missions are added).
- This happens when building a cheap (the buggy usually) right after another unit. What happens is that the unit's production finishes before the cargo plane has disappeared and this makes the war factory automatically cancel the production of the unit when it finishes (you'll have your credits refunded) and start the production of the next unit. To prevent this from happening, either manually put the production of the unit on hold until the cargo plane has disappeared or build a second war factory. Since it only happens with the buggy it shouldn't be a very big deal though.
- Rampastring did this intentionally, since the commander is supposed to be "you". If people prefer for the commander to have a voice he might give it one however.
- Nyerguds put the sound together by using different EVA voice tracks. I'm not aware of there being any unused "Unit Repaired" (or even just "Repaired") EVA voice in TD.
- Maybe eventually; it depends on whether the mappers find a motivation for it. Also, your choices during the "The Toxic Diversion" campaign, you do get the option to mess with some Nod stuff later on.
- Because "Enemy Terminated" sounds quite awkward when you yourself or your ally got killed in a multiplayer game.
Sun, 2011-12-18 12:54
I'm guessing "Battle Control Terminated" or "Mission Terminated" wouldn't really work if the battle goes on. Maybe just "Control Terminated" would be a better sound clip?
Sun, 2011-12-18 12:57
That doesn't really sound right for when you defeat an AI player however.
Sun, 2011-12-18 13:08
How so? It just means that their control was terminated (unless this was posted before I made edit to the first post and made the second last post).
Sun, 2011-12-18 13:41
I personally don't think it sounds better than just "Terminated" that way though. I'd prefer something like "Commander Terminated" or "Player Terminated", but unfortunately I can't find any voice clips of EVA saying the right words.
Sun, 2011-12-18 21:16
Are you guys going to announced this on the official C&C forums? It might get some more attention if you do.
Mon, 2011-12-19 02:04
That's a good suggestion, thanks. I actually intended to make a post about my mod there ages ago, but then it turned out I was unable to log in and the "Forgotten password" seemed not to be working properly (and still doesn't in fact). I just tried to log in there again however and it turned out that it did work now 
So I just went ahead and made a post about DTA 1.11's release there in the Tiberian Sun forum

So I just went ahead and made a post about DTA 1.11's release there in the Tiberian Sun forum

Mon, 2011-12-19 09:27
Using the EVA voices from the videos I might be able to cobble something together. Too bad they got background noise though.
Mon, 2011-12-19 22:05
I'm sure if you check around you can find EVA sound files without noise. Maybe not original TD EVA sound clips but the newer ones from around TS might work.
Mon, 2011-12-19 22:23
Of course TS has the EVA voices, but the reason I'm not using them is because the pitch of the voice is completely different and thus doesn't fit among the TD EVA voice clips.
Mon, 2011-12-19 22:37
Good point, i would suggest editing it. but I can understand that its not the right feel for the game.
Tue, 2011-12-20 04:14
There are also some sounds on the TD disk for the installation. They're not exactly that useful on their own but might be good for editing purposes.
Tue, 2011-12-20 04:18
I'm aware; I used them in the video I made for DTA 1.11's release after all ("Installing, please stand by" and "Installation complete").
Tue, 2011-12-20 17:01
Maybe you should include add them in an update to the launcher, and maybe some sort of a splash screen as well.
Tue, 2011-12-20 17:22
That will never happen. When I open the Launcher I want to jump to the game quickly, not wait with some splashscreens. ..and maybe some sort of a splash screen as well.
Tue, 2011-12-20 17:24
On first run, perhaps? But you are a dev, not me so what you say goes.
Tue, 2011-12-20 21:47
I guess that it could be acceptable at first run, but I have more important things to do with the Launcher right now.
I could add sounds for the installation (actually, Bittah suggested that to me before the release), but I thought that the sounds during the installation might be a bit "scary" for some (you don't usually expect sounds in a Windows form application like the Launcher).
I could add sounds for the installation (actually, Bittah suggested that to me before the release), but I thought that the sounds during the installation might be a bit "scary" for some (you don't usually expect sounds in a Windows form application like the Launcher).
Sat, 2011-12-24 07:24
ok im just posting this here becuase im to lazy to start a new topic, how do i beat the mission "Under siege II"?
Sat, 2011-12-24 08:37
Firstly, do not even attempt to play it at gamespeed 5 or 6. Turn it down to something like 3. Then, when the initial rush comes, sell all buildings that you don't have any use for and start making units. Use the minigunners that you got from the sold buildings to kill the Stealth tanks and carefully kill the other Nod units with your other units (try to minimize casualties). ok im just posting this here becuase im to lazy to start a new topic, how do i beat the mission "Under siege II"?
After that it's your time to build up. There's a capturable refinery on the southeastern corner of the map, which will help you with your task. After building some units and capturing the refinery, etc. I guess you'll just go and rush Nod.
For the Nod units sieging you, you can trick the artilleries there to attack you (without support from the other units) by moving a unit a bit closer to them (so that they start firing) and then retreating with that unit to your base.
I personally haven't beaten the mission (yet); but I've only tried it once on Hard.
Sun, 2011-12-25 04:39
Firstly, do not even attempt to play it at gamespeed 5 or 6. Turn it down to something like 3. Then, when the initial rush comes, sell all buildings that you don't have any use for and start making units. Use the minigunners that you got from the sold buildings to kill the Stealth tanks and carefully kill the other Nod units with your other units (try to minimize casualties). ok im just posting this here becuase im to lazy to start a new topic, how do i beat the mission "Under siege II"?
After that it's your time to build up. There's a capturable refinery on the southeastern corner of the map, which will help you with your task. After building some units and capturing the refinery, etc. I guess you'll just go and rush Nod.
For the Nod units sieging you, you can trick the artilleries there to attack you (without support from the other units) by moving a unit a bit closer to them (so that they start firing) and then retreating with that unit to your base.
I personally haven't beaten the mission (yet); but I've only tried it once on Hard.
well i got down to the last base but its to much with the obelisks and stuff
Sun, 2011-12-25 05:04
When I beat that mission (on medium) Rocket Launchers were actually still able to out-range Obelisks, but I afterward increased the range of Obelisks since I've been told that Artilleries actually can't ever out-range Obelisks in TD, even when attacking from the south (unlike with Advanced Guard Towers, which Rocket Launchers and Artilleries can only out-range when they attack it from the south).
I haven't tried that mission in quite a while however, so it's possible it's no longer beatable because of this change in weapon range... Can't you just rush them with a group of light infantry however? This is also the most effective method to take out Obelisks in TD after all (or so I've been told by Nyerguds).
I haven't tried that mission in quite a while however, so it's possible it's no longer beatable because of this change in weapon range... Can't you just rush them with a group of light infantry however? This is also the most effective method to take out Obelisks in TD after all (or so I've been told by Nyerguds).
Wed, 2012-01-11 21:23
Just finished the campaign a couple days ago. Very well done. And that last mission kicked my butt on more than one occasion.
Thu, 2012-01-12 20:43
Nice to hear that =) The campaign was meant to be hard, following the TD spirit

Sun, 2012-02-19 20:52
The campaign was meant to be Indeed its fucking hard!
I've just spent the last two hours on the fourth mission and it just got too much. Nukes I can handle (thanks to mission three), but when they start throwing those one-hit-destroy-everything chemical missiles at everything expensive, it just gets too much! Personaly I say they are way overpowered. You barely (if at all) get notified of them, they hit five times as hard as a nuke, are fired once every minute or so and leave that horrible green tiberium gas everywhere (Seriously, one missile destroyed seven medium tanks, three landingpads and a repair pad on impact! A nuke does like a third of that!)!
But yea, other than that, kick ass work on everything! I really like it.

(Oh, and I also beat the Under Siege mission earlier today. Its entierly possible, it might just take a long time).
Mon, 2012-02-20 15:55
There is a way to prevent damage like that (Seriously, one missile destroyed seven medium tanks, three landingpads and a repair pad on impact!)

In addition, the chemical missile strikes will stop once you've destroyed the Nod base in center of the map (Orange was the teamcolor unless I remember wrong). However, Nod will launch a strong one-time counterattack once you've destroyed the center base, so make sure you have some forces left after finishing the base.
The missiles are meant to be strong -- they're included only in two of the final missions afterall.
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--The AI Coder, creator of the Launcher, creator of The Toxic Diversion and a multiplayer mapper of DTA.