Terrain Objects and the Airstrike

Several "new" terrain objects have been added to DTA 1.11 by converting existing terrain objects between theaters.
To create trees for the desert theater I simply used the (unused) burned frames of the temperate trees.

I put a bit more work into converting the desert rocks and bushes for the temperate theater however (especially the rocks).

Also a proper airstrike superweapon has finally been added (the airstrike's animations were made and coded by Lin Kuei Ominae), although it will only appear as a crate goodie on multiplayer maps.

You can click the image to view the airstrike in action during a multiplayer match against the AI, but don't mind the seemingly incompetent AI; due to a fluke 2 AIs started on the same spot and since there wasn't enough space this caused them to block the only passage to the base.

Re: Terrain Objects and the Airstrike

Awesome again!

Re: Terrain Objects and the Airstrike

Cool Yeah, some eye candy!

Best regards


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