Multiplayer Maps

Below are all the maps that are included with DTA 1.11.
This list will be kept up-to-date whenever maps are added, edited or removed.


Comp Stomp




Tiberian Blitz by j4m3sb0nd

Game Type(s): Default


Sandpit by ReFlex

Game Type(s): Default


Sand Serpent by MeesterMan

Game Type(s): Default


Pitfall by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Default

Author's notes: This is a remade Tiberian Dawn map. For DTA 1.11 I edited the layout of the map somewhat to make it look a bit more interesting and to also make it wide enough to cover the entire screen when playing with a resolution with a width of 1920px. In addition Rampastring also improved the details by adding dirt LAT tiles, trees and adjusting the lighting.

Beach Landing by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default


Field by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default


Unforgiving Islands by Ragox

Game Type(s): Default


Forest of Fear by DavyCrockett

Game Type(s): Default


Hectic Oasis by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Scavenger


Emerald Canyon by Lin Kuei Ominae

Game Type(s): Default


Dead Winter by j4m3sb0nd

Game Type(s): Default, Scavenger


Red Valley by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default


Car Park by Lin Kuei Ominae

Game Type(s): Default


Canyon Chase by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default


Composite by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Triad of Deception by j4m3sb0nd

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp, Scavenger


Crossroads by SeriousToni

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Social Divide by OmegaBolt

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Chaos Rivers by DavyCrockett

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Dust Devils by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default


Desert storm by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Tower of Power by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Deceiving Adjacency by Crash

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Dustbowl by ReFlex

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Hollow Grave by Aro

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


The Crater by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default


Dusk by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Connexion by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Toxic Passage by ReFlex

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Stranded by OmegaBolt

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Northern Lights by OmegaBolt

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp, Scavenger


Tunnel Train-ing by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp

Author's notes: A large-sized remake of the TS classic. The Comp Stomp version of the map has the players in the center and the AIs in the usual starting locations; click on the "Comp Stomp" link to see the megamap for that version of the map.

Razor Blade by DavyCrockett

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


The Sandbar by j4m3sb0nd

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Lakefront Clash by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Default

Author's notes: A remade Tiberian Dawn map. There used to be a starting location top left, but I decided to remove it because it's only accessible via a very narrow bridge, so placed a small civilian town there instead. Rampastring improved this map's details by adding some LATs, trees and green light posts.

Tiberium Garden Redux by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp

Author's notes: A remade Tiberian Sun map. It's a bit smaller than Tiberian Sun's original version and although I actually initially made it as a desert map, I remade it as a temperate map for DTA 1.11, during which I also improved its details by adding trees, rocks, debris and invisible light posts.

The Experiment Lab by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Tiberium Garden III by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp

Lost Arena by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Town of the Unfortunate by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Springnight by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Terraces by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Comp Stomp

Author's notes: A remade Tiberian Sun map. I initially decided to remove this map for DTA 1.11, but we eventually decided to keep it as a Comp Stomp map only. Rampastring added 2 extra starting locations to the map and improved the details by adding LATs, pebbles, terrain objects and by adjusting the lighting.

Canyon Chase 2 by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Circle of Death by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Train-ing Holiday by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Tideland by OmegaBolt

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Sand Trap by Bittah Commander

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Rivers of Refener by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp, Scavenger


Enemy Lines by Warlord

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Death Valley by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


A Path Beyond by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp

Rampastring edited the map's layout to make it bigger and more detailed, after which I (Bittah Commander) also made some edits to the layout to improve some of the shores, cliffs and bridges.

Tiberian Twilight by ChronoSeth

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp, Scavenger


City in Conflict by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp, Scavenger


Frozen Wasteland by Rampastring

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp, Scavenger


Delirious Island by Crash

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp

Author's notes: This is my second multiplayer map which is included in the 1.10 version of DTA. As you can see, it is an asymmetrical 8-player map located on an island. This means you can battle by land, air and sea. There are big amounts of tiberium to harvest, if you're brave and greedy enough to claim it as yours.

Radial Range by j4m3sb0nd

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp

Author's notes: A ravine of twisting valleys and ranges, this map offers a challenging yet strategically balanced battle arena for up to 8 players, with multiple battle fronts and passages to traverse, furthermore infested by tiberium in the valley gaps between the ranges, and most of the tiberium on the map is situated between players to offer tactical gameplaying. There are also 3 tiberium nexuses in the central horizontal locuses of the mountain ranges where civilians have settled, although for the most part the mountain-tops of the radial ranges offer the most scenery lacking tiberium infestation, with an insufficiency of the nutrients well known to be metabolised by fast growing tiberium.

Dante's Desert by Lin Kuei Ominae

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp


Tiber by Lin Kuei Ominae

Game Type(s): Default, Comp Stomp

Author's notes:
-4 trains (capable of transporting 10 infantry units very fast, very far from one to the next trainstation)
-4 Hovercrafts on different locations (capable of transporting 5 infantry units from one side of a river to the other)
-random civil boat patrols (weaker versions of the player buildable ones; can be stopped by destroying the 2 civil naval yards)
-random meteor strikes (with dynamic lighting)
-random ionstorms (with random duration; with dynamic lighting; lengthened warning duration to give aircraft more time to head back to base due to the long flightroutes on the big map)
-capturable techcenters, hospitals and old abandoned outposts
-tech centers give access to secret units (GDI: V2, Demo Truck, Hovercraft; Nod: Heavy Tank, Demo Truck, Hovercraft)

-work started on this map december 2009, finished august 2010


Website built by Bittah Commander,
hosted by Project Perfect Mod.